Stanford Football

Last Saturday, John & Barbara, Francy and Bob and Kevin (all Heffernans!) were in town for the Stanford football game- we were so lucky they spent the whole morning with us at home! We played at our house with the girls for awhile then all walked downtown for sandwiches before designating a meet up spot at the game (and not one picture from the morning!)

Then we met at the Hutchinson's downtown Menlo and rode our bikes with kids in the Cahriot/bike seats over to the Stadium for the Stanford USC football tailgates and the game

Fan Photos at the tailgate- sorry they are unrecognizable screen shots- wasn't going to fork over $29.99 per photo to download!

We had a great time at the tailgate with Opa Bob and all his Stanford football teammates

Chad Hutch doubling up with the girls

Dad and the Doo- The Heffernans and Moffett's had great seats/tickets for us, Heff and Francie sat down by the field with Bob and Gene and Kevin- Maisie and I were in sunny seats with Aunt Francy and Bonnie. The girls made it in seats about the first quarter and then we were up in the usual kids zone under the scoreboard

Francie watching the boys dog-pile and wrestle on the grass. She tried to jump in once but couldn't figure out what the heck they were doing

"Mom why do those boys like getting hurt?"

We left about halftime when it started getting dark and kids were restless... rode our bikes back to Chad and Lindsey's and ordered pizzas! The kids had a picnic on the floor and we watched the rest of the game.

Maisie trying to steal the shopping cart when we left- she pointed to the cart, then herself and said "Mamma, THIS!" nice try Maise :) Little clepto

Then Sunday morning we had brunch at Jannie and Grampa's house- first with the Bob Heffernans before they caught their flight home then with the Huck family and some friends who were here from Coronado
spent time with Uncle Bob and Aunt Francy and Cousin Kevin

Ashley Huck (only picture from brunch round two!)