This Week in Review

"Look how strong I am!"

I got back from Red Bluff Tuesday afternoon and we've been going, going, going ever since seeing friends, hanging out at home (Wednesday we changed from one pair of PJ's to the next even though we walked downtown twice :) and working a little bit. The girls have been a lot of fun- Francie is making up all kinds of stories about Moo Doo Don and Maisie is on the verge of talking, she blurts out full sentences of jibberish and every third word is somewhat understandable :)

We've been working on the big task of picking Halloween costumes- Francie's first year to make her own decision :) here they are trying out a few costume ideas (we ordered a bunch of new ones for Brilliant Babies)

We played in the front yard with Dad- the girls love to hide in "the jungle" (and don't worry that's a 'fake' foam pumpkin Maisie is weightlifting in the first pic)

Emmy babysat one night so Heff and I could go out to dinner at Sundance (thanks EM!) and gave the girls a shower in the bath

Jannie and the girls DTLA

Walking Sophie to breakfast at Rick's

Baby Lucy and Emily met us there! Francie asked if Lucy "woke up yet"


We been playing lots and lots of lego's. Francie builds these symmetrical shapes that all line up- a girl after her mom's heart ;)

Work has been busy at Academic Trainers giving the center our yearly back-to-school remodel/spruce up! A few trips to Ikea, new iMacs and donating 16 old computers and a million cords and wires to an MA program that gives them to kids who don't have a computer at home. Glad someone can use them

Shopping on the Cruz- we still spend half our time downtown Menlo Park despite our newfound love of DTLA :)

Meeting Renee at Stack's for breakfast with the girls and Emmy, Jannie brought her a wedding gift

Emmy and Maisie with a Jannie kiss on her cheek

and the most exciting news ever- Francie can get herself into her carseat now, buckles and all!! I anticipate this will come in handy when I have three to get in and out of carseats :)