Francie's First Pedicure

We told Francie she had to wait until she was three to get a pedicure with mom and she didn't forget! The other night Heff came home from work and told me I should go get a pedicure or something (must have been a long day :) and Francie goes "wait... I'M THREE!!! I get to go with you!!!" We didn't go that night but last Friday afternoon Jannie and I took her to Pinkies DTLA (Downtown Los Altos ;) for their signature Princess Pedicure which includes a crown and rhinestone flowers. They only had room for one person so Jannie and I sat on stools and watched her royal heiness :) You could tell she thought she was such a big girl and loved every minute.

"pick a color"

She talked the lady's ear off... "my sister, yeah her name is Maisie. She copies like, EVERYTHING, I do. Yeah, cause I'm like THREE and she is only one."

Checking everything out

had a hard time staying still for the paint part- toes are ticklish

cute little princess piggies!