
Brian and I realized this was our FIFTH trip to Black Butte together... we've known each other a little over four years but went up for the first time right after we met. When I went up the first time there were four little kids... Ellie (2) and the babies Kate, Roman and Brannoc. This year, with the Cahills in attendance there were a gaggle of kids but we had a few missing with cross-country moves and new babies due soon. But we figured out next year, we should have 18 KIDS UNDER 8!! That's a lot of cousins :) Francie had SO much fun hanging with the big kids and seems like a big kid now herself!

Popsicles were a big hit all week at LaLa's house

So were the frogs in the fountain



Dr Bob did a few ear checks to make sure the amoxycilian did the trick

and for the first year we had a Karaoke Night one evening!

My little night-owl outlasted half the adults but got to snuggle with her Oma :)