Redmond County Fair

Wednesday we loaded up half the group and drove over to Redmond to check out the first day of their county fair. We all agreed it was the nicest, cleanest fair we'd ever seen... green grass everywhere, even the parking lot was grass! We saw the sheep, swine, horse, bird/rabbit and cattle barns, walked around the exhibits, rode a ride or two and lunched on tri-tip sandwhiches and fried dough of course :)

Heff and Francie "petting" a cow and asking the 4H girl all about raising cattle (like Heff used to do!)

Francie was in "hog heaven" ;)

and not afraid...

Emily and Ashley

checking out the bunnies

and finally heading home!

The honeymooners Kat and Donald got back from Fiji late Tuesday night and flew right into Redmond to join in on the reunion fun! Kat with Maisie...