Heff Family Reunion

We swam at the Lodge Pool after Bob's Big Sport's Day...

Heff with Francie and Francy

Swimming with the "master swimmers"

Ruffle bum

JUMP to dad... "Ready... two... three... jump!"

Jana and her girls having snacks after a swim


We just hung out for the rest of the week relaxing, playing games, drinking beers, fishing, walking, hiking, and playing with the kids! We...

Had wine and cocktails back at Bob & Francy's house (with BABIES everywhere!)

Played in the sandbox

Swung on the swingset (the one Heff and the guys built four years ago, my first trip to Black Butte!)

Laughed at old family photos

Kate, Francy and Tricia made some "vintage/racy" aprons for the guys like one they found of their dad's...


Sisters sunning at the Glaze Meadow Pool

Francie had no fear on the big kid slide at the Glaze Meadow indoor pool... Dad sent her rocketing down and she ran back up over and over!

right in there with the big kids

Maisie just hanging out

more cousins pictures coming next :)

Mom and her girls