Bob's Big Sports Day

The Heffernan Reunion was a blast! I have way too many pictures to blog so I'm going to attempt to do it in short spurts...

We had been traveling so much in July Heff and I (more "I") were a little overwhelmed with packing up for a week and driving up to Oregon- so we took Friday night off, made dinner and relaxed then were up Saturday morning ready to pack and hit the road. Packing for four, with outdoor gear, bikes, stroller(s), swim stuff, diapers, and of course matching outfits = not easy! We left by 11:30am, not bad by my estimation, but we hit a little bit of traffic on the way out of town and it was quite a drive... 11 hours! Francie was really great in the car but Maisie got "mad, mad, maisie mad" hours 8-10 1/2 which was NOT fun. Poor thing screamed if she looked at her carseat. But we finally made it to Black Butte Ranch at 10:30pm, visited with everybody and stretched our legs before we went to sleep.

Saturday was "Bob's Big Sports Day"... a tradition on the softball field the first day of the Heffernan Family Reunion every year! It was unseasonably hot in Oregon all week- in the 90's but we had a great time in the sun with all the cousins and babies. Bob and Francy were gracious hosts as always!

Jessica and the babies

Softball! (I did have a big catch in the outfield... very rare for my un-athletic self and my husband looked at me like he had never been prouder of anything I've ever done in my whole life! Thanks for who-ever hit the ball straight into my unsuspecting glove ;)

The kids found some shade to relax on the sidelines...

Emily with an impressive collection of sand "meatballs" as she taught Francie how to make spaghetti- playground style.

Tilly B.

the kids turn to bat (a small break in the intense competitiveness ;)

Francie and Maisie had their "07" and "09" jerseys on for sports day :)

Ummm... snot-nose + sand =

Water break

"It's your turn Maise!"

Off to the next activity!