Getting Ready

The wedding was at 2:00 Saturday so we had planty of time to get ready at the house. Kat was a very relaxed bride and everything was easy- the mimosa's helped of course! She had girls come to do her hair and her make-up and Gina (Wells) was nice enough to come by and do the bridesmaids and mother-of-the-bride hair :) We had to wait until the last minute to give the little girls baths (that barn dirt is too tempting) but Isabel and Francie seemed to know the plan- we couldn't find them for a good ten minutes until someone heard noises coming from Opa's shower. They had a little too much fun with the kids berry shampoo before the shower! You should have seen Andrea and I trying to give them a bath/shower in the shower stall covered in slippery shampoo while we had our hair done- thank god for my go-go-gadget arms ;) It was fun to be there with Kat getting ready for her big day.

Isabel couldn't understand why we'd set up such torture... tu-tus right before her very eyes she couldn't touch!

Francie being silly

Aunt Francy came over and cuddled up with Maisie Moo...

while she helped Aunt Kat write a cover letter applying for a Kindergarten job she just heard opened up! Isn't that what you did on your wedding day??!

Flowergirls ready to help Aunt Kat walk doen the isle

Francie in Jannie's latest creation... the smocked seahorse dress

the pretty bridesmaids bouquets

Kat's good friend Karlee did all of the flowers- they were perfect!

for the flower girls

Heff was busy working all day setting up BBQ's and generators for the wedding but wrangled Francie and Isabel back up from the barn while the girls were primping

It was still a cool 100 degrees in the morning shade... that's nothing

Gina working on Andrea's hair


Clara's a little nervous about what all these girls might do to her hair and pretty face!

Pow-wow of the babies... "Clara, let's never work this hard to look good."

Patrick shirtless for the ladies

Kat and Karlee almost ready to go... time to get Katherine to the church on time!