Mr & Mrs Doverspike!

I'm saving the ceremony pictures until I get my hands on Emmy's but here are some of my favorites from the reception! Jane Flynn was very gracious to open her beautiful yard on the river for the wedding reception. It was such a picturesque spot and everything looked gorgeous. But it was HOT! Anyone who was at our wedding know's what I mean (Heff and I had a very unusual heat wave, record setting day on July 22, 2006 in Menlo Park where the temp hit 106 degrees... if you can believe it, this was even HOTTER!) Even the cake melted just like ours did! But we loved every minute of the party and danced til we dropped when the sun finally went down. Francie changed her outfit four times and hit the sprinklers with her cousins, Maisie was a trooper (too hot to complain?) and Heff and I had fun reminiscing about our wedding day three years ago. Congrats to Kat & Donald- I couldn't ask for a better brother-in-law to join the family!

of course when I saw this picture I though "awwww.... how cute"

until I saw this! MARYFRANCES!!! (look closely ;)

Donald's brothers- Stephen and Daniel with their new sis

they made gagging faces right after I took this picture ;)

The flowergirls. Emmy can do better, just wait ;)

and my Maisie-Moo

The Heffernan Crowd

Ready for the party- rosey cheeks with Auntie Em

Heff's good friend Jennifer G. looking beautiful on her first trip to the Bluff!

The cake just delivered and fresh out of a freezer... didn't last long in this heat!

Emily and Andrea

Sneaking in a little nap on her Jannie in the shade

and almost ready to party again after sleeping with her sister

We're all hoping this doesn't lead to a future in pole-dancing

speeches under the tent

Raise your glasses

cutting what is left of the cake!

First dance- Chris LeDuex "Look at You Girl" (Heff loved it!)

and the last dance... fittingly was "Cowboy Take Me Away" (Sneak Peek to Emmy's photos!)

The single girls waiting for a bouquet

and the groomsmen lend a hand for the garter

Madeline taking Francie and Violet for a walk

James and Em hanging out with Maisie under the oak trees

The Imperial Valley crowd... The O'Neils, The Heffs and the Wells families were neighbors and good friends when Brian's family lived in El Centro for the first 16 years of his life. The Heffernan's had 5 kids and the Wells had 9 kids! Gina and John Paul Wells gave a cute speech and said since they both had so many kids no one else would invited them over for dinner parties so they just socialized with each other!

Kat and Gina

more family photos... we all want to live vin Jane's house!

time for some dancing!

Cowboys can cut a rug!

Francie even took center stage with her moves once!

France was a dancing queen all night... she must have run 200 circles around the dance floor!

Ann and Pat flew out from Nashville for 48 hours to come to the wedding- it was so great to see them for a quick trip

James and Em came too... hanging out while the sun is going down (they planned ahead and brought a chnage of cooler clothes!)

Jerry and Allison loved Red Bluff! God-father tricks ;)

We are HOT (can you tell ;)

Sadie and Ellie cooling off

A-woo got Maisie right to sleep and kept her happy for so long! Thanks Allison ;)

Pissy Sissy

Our whole family in Red Bluff! Heff and I are so lucky both of our families get along so well. My dad was the BBQ man for the wedding and braved the 111 degree heat AND a hot fire pit! We all had such a great time... thanks for including all of the Simo's Katherine & Doanld!

Back to the party

dancing with the newlyweds

Last dance...
