Kat & Donald Rehearsal Dinner

We are back home, unpacked and still talking about what a fun wedding weekend we had in Red Bluff with all of the Heffernans, Doverspikes, Simonsons and lots and lots of friends and family. Friday night was the Rehearsal at the church at 5pm followed by a Prime Rib BBQ hosted by the Doverspikes at Claire & Tom's house. The kids all had fun getting down and dirty in the newly opened up play area next to the barn while the adults went through lots of mint iced tea and cold Coors Lights on the newly built patio (concrete poured Wednesday!) up above. Donald's family are such nice people... It was a great night!

Francie and Violet getting their party dresses on

Silly Izza-Bizz!

Everything looked so pretty

Jannie and Francie (and Violet of course)

Heff, Maisie-Moo, my dad and Kellan, one of Donald's good friends/groomsman

Andrea and Isabel

A new cousin to play with Clara and Maisie in Black Butte! (Heff's first cousin Jessica & Dan's new baby girl) Trillium Bella

Nick Wells (who sang Sweet Home Alabama and a few other country favorites at our wedding- we loved it!)

How cute are these little animal puppets Vickie Wells made for the grandkids! She designed them herself and each one had a little tongue popping out and tails too!


Cousin Kate

Cousin Isabel

Donald's Dad, Mark Doverspike, presenting brands to Kat's family (we got them too!) One is Donald's personal brand (a variation of his family's Hotchkiss Ranch brand- it's a "10" on it's side) and the other is the Heffernan's great-great-grandfather Casper Borchard's brand (C with a B in the middle). We can brand our steaks now :) This was such a cool gift

Welcoming his new daughter-in-law

Donald had a few "roasts" during the rehearsal dinner speeches


The Johnets (we all got to sit w Katherine and Doanld Friday night- lucky us ;)

Glowing Bride-to-be

Francie staying hydrated

Nothing better than playing in the dirt while Mom and Dad are busy at the party

Bride and Groom... I'm sure Emmy's photos will be way better than mine so I might have to post a "Part II" later!