SF Giants Game

Wednesday night while we were hanging out for our girl's overnight Daddy took Francie to her first SF Giants Game! Ann's boyfriend Pat came along with them, the Tennessee boy and sports fan's first Giants game too! Heff picked them both up at Rosewood and they took the train (and a six pack or two :) up to the stadium. They sat the first three innings in their bleacher seats then wandered around to get some food and check out the kids area. An older man talking to Francie told Heff to make sure and go to a certain office to get her first "Official Giants Game" certificate with her name on it! Around the sixth inning she was pretty spent (after a full day of swimming and the uber-excitement of riding on a train) so they headed for home.

Heff with his daddy-diaper-bag ready for another adventure with his Doo

Loving the CHOO-CHOO!!

Outside by the famous Willie Mays statue

The guys had to find her her very own Giants hat!

Dad explaining the way the game works from the bleachers

Nice work on camera duty Pat (I made him swear to take them ;)

Pat and Francie

and she's done. But got the certificate for her baby book!