Through Emmy's Eyes

Emmy is teaching us all how to deal with our sadness. I miss Kaky and having her here to share in all the laughs and seeing the babies grow. Emmy's blog and her photography are incredible and help us all understand her process of grieving, and in turn our own.

... from Emmy's blog- "Grieving Gracefully"

"Suffering Becomes Love"

I came upon this quote in a book a dear friend of mine gave to me- I wanted to share: “Everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change. So suffering must become love. That is the mystery.”

Grieving is a mystery. I am learning that everyday- that grief is mysterious and yet at the same time grief is love. It doesn’t happen right away because we are too preoccupied in our own sadness and go over and over what we have lost, how we are supposed to keep living, what our future holds- but what I hadn’t figured out or realized was that at my daily struggle with grief that I have changed and developed a new compassion, a new love for all. I have become so tender hearted towards others- and my love is bountiful. Suffering is unbearable but it has allowed me to open my heart and share with others. My heart is full-for in life we all have our struggles and know that while we are sad-we are never alone and that love that comes from sadness is one of grief’s greatest gifts to us all. I am forever grateful.