Crab Dinner @ The Skidmores

Thursday night we had a cracked crab dinner at the Skidmore's house with the whole crowd. Their backyard is such a nice place to hang out :) We didn't hit the pool this time but had fun with everybody enjoying the always delicious food and wine spread Ann and Earl put on. It was a treat to eat crab, especially with Baby Ann sitting next to me who likes to crack it but doesn't eat it! Francie ran around with their 70 pound bulldog, Randall and entertained us as usual.

Ann, Ann and Em

Heff and his littlest girl

Pretty table by the pool

Francie was entertained all night by Randall the Bulldog! Watch out... he'll "Knock-a you ova!"

the girls were wearing the darling Best&Co dresses Ann brought back from NY...

in a matching set of course!

The Heffs

Pat and Baby Ann (don't go back to Nashville yet!!!)

"AWKY!" (Pat asked Francie to do her Real Housewives of NJ 'Fabulous!' pose... she looked at hm and said "Awky!" It was hilarious!)

Em and James with Maisie

The binky is as big as her head ;)

Clark and James- in the corner with the cigars

I snuck a picture of the evidence ;)

Michelle, Jannie and Francie

Ann fixed a special little dinner for Francie

Earl and John cracking the crab

ABA, Em and Clark'a girlfriend Danielle with the little Doo (love the look she is giving her Auntie Baby Ann)

Maisie wide awake in her PJ's...

Francie PJ'ed up too- hoping she'll crash on the drive home!

Silly Uncle James chasing Randall

Time to head home! thanks Ann, Earl & Clark!