
For Mother's Day Heff sent me on Girls Night Out Slumber Party at my new favorite place.. yup, you guessed it- Rosewood at Sand Hill ;) But my sister and I decided that's a lame name for such a paradise so we named it "FABULOSITY"! I know, obnoxious ;) But we really had a great time Wednesday-Thursday up at the resort. My sister, Pat, the babies and I went up for lunch Wednesday on the veranda and Jannie joined us for some pool time and margaritas. Then Heff picked up Francie and Pat at 5pm to take the choo-choo to the SF Giants game. My dad came for a swim and stayed for dinner then Ann and I convinced my mom to sleep over with us even though she didn't bring anything with her beside a swim suit and the clothes she was wearing! (that was camping for Jannie) We watched a movie with Maisie after dinner and had a great night catching up on the gossip together. Heff brought Francie back in the morning (I missed her!) and we had breakfast and a little more pool time. I wasn't leaving until they kicked us out :) Thanks Heff!

Lunch with my sis

with a view of this... calling our names

Poolside with ABA ready to put our suits on!

Thank goodness ABA was there to take her swimming... Jannie has Francie convinced "Jannie's don't get wet- onn-ly feet"

Silly girls attempting THE DUNK (Ann was cracking up at Sansie because every time she told her to "HOLD" her breath Francie literally HELD her mouth and tongue!)

"ABA made me get out." ;(

Sorry Francie, but it was high time for Margaritas

We had the pool mostly to ourselves... until the star of "Hairspray" arrived for some lounging with her bf. (and no, we're pretty sure it wasn't a wig!)

Reading with her Jannie

So glad Baby Ann is here to hang out!

My baby girl (maybe a little hungry? ;)

Jannie and I getting "onn-ly seet" (only feet!) wet ;)

I love having a baby to conveniently cover the belly ;)

Maisie said she could get used to this

So could ABA

tough life

We got the girls dolled up in their GIANTS orange so Francie could head out on her date with dad... Maisie, Jannie, John, ABA and I caught the last rays of sun

7pm at the pool? Sun going down... time to head in!

We had drinks on the patio and ran into some friends my parents knew then went to the restaurant "madera" for dinner. Not surprisingly Jannie started talking it up to the wine somonier and dug up that his parents grew up with her parents in Watsonville and his sisters just published this book on Croatian's in Watsonville my dad read cover to cover twice ;)

Ann, Mare and Maisie

Taking pictures of my baby girl from the table?... yup it's great to be drinking again! ;)


Breakfast at Madera and a few more hours at the pool the next morning

Jannie has a rare moment to hold Maisie while Francie is otherwise occupied ;)

"that big sister is bossy"

and it's time to pack up and head home... a 10 minute trip if there isn't "traffic" on Sand Hill!