Lovejoy's for Tea

Friday we ventured up to San Francisco for a tea-date with all of our favorite girls at Lovejoy's Tea Room! Francie and Isabel were little angels and sat in their high chairs at the table the whole time nibbling on jelly and cream cheese sandwiches, fruit, scones and cookies... lots of incentive to be well behaved I guess! They also seemed intrigued by the loud, long conversations going on all around them. Ladies at tea can talk girls!

"Jannie, stop telling stories and pass the sugar please."

"She won't stop talking Mom." (get used to it Sansie, this is what we do at Tea :)

"Really? They all talk this much?"

"I'll just pretend I fell asleep..."

"Hummph. Didn't work. Maybe if I speak Hungarian they'll stop chatting over us Francie."

The best tea sandwiches around...

and "Wee Tea" for the little girlies!

Make a wish for Mommy Francie!