More Cousin Fun

That's the 3 Heffernan boys each with their first (and to date only!) baby girls :) and their wives of course! We were so lucky to have Andrea and Isabel here all last week! We packed in as many activities as we could each day... well as many as two pregnant moms and two toddlers could handle :) We shopped to the mall, lunched, hit gymnastics class, went to Lovejoy's for Tea in SF, hung around my parent's house (apparently sharing toys at home is one thing for Francie but sharing toys at her Jannie's house is quite another!) The girls had lots of fun together and Isabel even taught Francie a few Hungarian words :)

Shopping trip

Ummmm... chocolate cake!

"Monies" in the fountain

Craig came back up late on Friday night and Andrea had a conference in Alameda for her family distillery business. Part of my birthday present was a new wing for the chicken coop (too bad it wasn't a new wing on our house huh!?) So the Brothers Heffernan sprang into action doing what they do best: designing and building chicken dwellings together :) Minor pit-stop here for a hen-pedicure (I'm not kidding! This hen "Daisy" has had balls of mud on her feet for months... she sounds like she is tap dancing when she walks on the playpit wall. Only Mark cares enough about the little buggers to do something about it:)

Beers, building materials and Hacienda burritos... a perfect Saturday

I came home Saturday from running baby errands with Jannie (Lullaby Lane is always a fun trip:) to find the girls had convinced Uncle Craig and Uncle Bri-nan to put on their dancing queen unitards to help build the chicken coop

"Izza, take that Zumi out and tell me if it's level enough?"

Thinking hard about squaring up that angle dad missed...

First experience with the ice cream truck!

Walking to dinner at Uncle Mark, Aunt Sarah and Baby Clara's house in the new double stroller... Heff gives it a B- (why do we all collect strollers these days?)

Pretty festive table in the backyard. Sarah's mom Nora is visiting all week and staying in our tent in their backyard! Not many mother-in-laws are that brave :) She is a trooper and was very excited to just be near her first grand-daughter.

Francie checking out Uncle Mark's chicken's set up

Country girl

Proud mom Sarah and beautiful baby Clara

The girls were very interested in this tiny baby bundle

Francie climbing on her jungle gym

Tiny Baby Clara Marie