Aptos BBQ and Beach "Pick-chas!"

Thursday afternoon we all headed down to Aptos for a beach BBQ with the fam. My Uncle John, Aunt Kim and their kids rented a beach house at Rio Del Mar for their spring break week. There were families with young kids everywhere and they were right on the beach so their playground was endless :) It was a really windy but warm afternoon until the sun went down. Emmy took some great pictures of course! Francie and Isabel love looking at themselves on the "cooper" (computer) and usually request the "beach pick-chas!" Now we have a whole new album of beach pictures for you girls...

The cousins at the beach (I know, we need to give up dressing them alike all the time someday- just not for a few years:)


Isabel RAN right into the ocean! She is a brave little girl :)

Mom and her Little Doo

Tu-tu's on a WINDY beach day... can you tell!?

trying not to eat the sand flying through the air

Isabel has the cutest personality :)

they speak their own language to each other. Part baby-english and part hungarian :)

Moms and daughters...


Jannie and her brother John

Don't fly away!

Emmy and Isabel

Jannie and Andrea... Jannie is knitting away on a new "play sweater" for Francie :)

The girls were playing in the "kiddie pool" at the beach house next door... they were freezing- sorry girls, bad moms!

After their warm bath to take the chill off they are back in matching outfits to play with the Gaunties Kim and Mimi

Daddy and the girls at sunset

John, Rich and Heff manning the grill

Ella and James sharing their spring break beach house toys with the little ones

"See you later Alligator!"