Big Sis at Gymnastics

Big sister Francie is taking her new role on like a rock star ;) She sported her fancy-sparkled Big Sis outfit her friend Rose gave her to gymnastics on Thursday and Emmy came with us to watch Francie in her glory. She loves "nastas" and was a show off on the rings for Emmy. She really loves her "litta sista" and is always giving her kisses and saying "Maisie- cute!" I'm glad she decided Maisie can live with us- if Francie is happy everybody is happy :)

Mom and her girls!

"Weeeeeee!" Now are THOSE Francie-pants or what!?


Adorable Little Landry comes to gymnastics now too!

Swinging high

She finally got the hang of "holding tight" to the hula-hoop while we pull her around the slick gym floor on a carpet mat!

Singing 'wheels on the bus' under the parachute on moms lap (Maisie was on there somewhere too:)

Look at that form finishing a sommersault with "Teacha Robbie"

and on the rings! Future gymnast? Highly unlikley Francie-pants...

Thanks for coming with us to nastas EMMY!!!

She's outta here...