Maisie Picks Her Godparents

Maisie picked her godparents and she sure picked well! (ok, maybe we helped :) Uncle Jerry, my younger brother is the godfather (or as Sansie says God-sha-der) and Cousin Emmy is the very special godmother. Emmy's mom Kaky was my god-mother and we know Kaky is watching down on Maisie and Emmy from her new place in heaven, they already have a very special connection.

Godmother Emmy! Emmy came over to Jannie's Thursday night for a slumba-party and we asked her that night to be the godmother. She was surprised and very touched. We know she is going to be the best god-mother around!!! Maisie is SO comfortable with her and sleeps peacefully in her arms for hours. We are confident Emmy will take the lead on the spiritual guidance to make up for whatever Uncle Jerry leaves out (see below;)

Godfather Uncle Jerry! Jerry (Gerald Sheehy) stopped by after work Thursday so we could ask him to be the god-father. He was very excited and emailed us later that night to say "glad I can be godfather to another Sheehy! Thanks for the honor, tell Masie I'll try not to be drunk at all her important life events..." Oh Jerry ;)

Big sister approves of the god-parent choices (her's are Uncle James and Aunt Kat)

Emmy is soo much fun when she comes over! She jumped right in to help when I suggested I might want to "make a room" for Maisie. Within an hour we had furniture moved around and a new space for little Maisie!

Maisie's new "room" start~ I realized I needed another diaper changing table (got a great one on Craigslist yesterday!) AND a place to keep all Maisie's clothes organized so Dad doesn't put Francie in "last-season-little-too-small" outfits again...

See what I mean? just look at those JORTS ;)

We all love you MaryMarjorie!