Halloween in April!?

Holy smokes! Halloween came early to Jannie and Grampa's house this year!! Francie was a little confused in her spring dress to arrive at Jannie's and see pumpkins and spiders galore. (Pottery Barn Kids were shooting their Halloween catalogue at the Johnet's house all week) The set people let us play for awhile before they brought out the little models in the 2009 costumes... check them out next season, they've got some good ones this year!

Francie and Maisie helped test the lighting equipment- they're not as high maintenance as the "professionals" :)

It's crazy to see how much goes into these shoots

"Look at all this candy Maisie!"

Francie's explaining to Jannie and to her little sister that she'll have to wait six months to go trick-or-treating for real :)