Maisies in Ireland!

Kate, Ella & Claire saw this little cafe on their road trip in Ireland and stopped to take a picture for Maisie! They are living in Germany for a few years and their mom, Kerri, is my BBF (best blog friend :) They emailed us this picture the day Maisie was born- it was so fun to see her name "in print" for the first time especially with those cute girls and their umbrellas! MaryMarjorie Sheehy is a good little Irish girl named after her Irish great grandmother and great aunt (more on that later!) so it was very fitting. Kerri is so sweet and also managed to send these gorgeous flowers from a great local florist in Woodside Emily Joubert- how she managed to figure all that out from the other side of the globe I'm still not sure, she's good. Thanks Shigos!!