Going Home

Monday morning Heff and I were up bright and early excited to take Maisie home (and although I do love my hospital adventure, excited to sleep in a real bed- especially Heff!) Francie and Jannie came to help us move out as a family, Rashelle from my office dropped by with some "thank you photo cards" we had ordered for our doctors and nurses- Heff paired with some Pacific Sun Olive Oil from Red Bluff and we made the rounds back in L&D to thank everyone! Dr. Noland came by at 10:30am to give Maisie the a-okay discharge stamp and we were headed for home...

Maisie in her going home outfit- Jannie made a set of these booties and little hat in pink and blue ;) the matching crossover sweater was waiting to be embellished with pink or blue trim but it was 90 degrees when we left the hospital so she'll have to wait to wear the coordinating set!

"You're telling me she's really coming HOME with us?!"


First time in her new carseat!

Not so sure yet...

I think I like having a little buddy back here! (and doll-honey in her "carseat" right on the other side too :)

Everybody inside to show Maisie around her new house

Kisses and "rocking" for new baby sister before she showed her the chickens. Maisie is wondering what kind of crazy family she landed with!

First nap in mom and dad's bed

First visitor at home- Georgia! (who came bearing Kara's cupcakes, yummmmm!)

I forgot how TINY newborn diapers are compared to the monster size four for my 19 month old :) We're got TWO BABIES now!!!