Home with Maisie

Maisie has been so much fun to have home with us! (her first photo at home above) She is a very sweet, mellow baby and already does "Eva Sansie says" (just kidding...) but she seems to take her role as little sister very well. She is adjusting to sleeping at night and hanging out during the day and hardly cries much. She loves to snuggle up and is really alert when she is awake. We've been enjoying hanging out at home and in the backyard (in this heat!) with our girls and are so happy to be a family of four.

Maisie stretched out in the bassinet Kaky gave me- she had for the twins ;)
(that means Emmy slept here too Maisie!)

Sweet baby girl

Hanging out in big sis' crib (at her request of course) Maisie looks like she's cringing, just waiting to be jumped on or smushed!

Francie "pushing" the stroller

Pretty on pink

"Oooo... maybe if I hide here she won't find me..."

"Peek-a-boo Maisie-Moo!"

Playing with her big sis- Francie has really 'come around' and likes to play with her sister whereas day 1 and 2 she wouldn't much acknowledge she existed :) She is quite protective of her little sister now.

This picture pretty much speaks for itself ;)

Long legs and big feet barely fit in the newborn KissyKissy

Dad's new dubba stolla (his favorite running/behind-the-bike/walking to Willow Market stroller- we had to upgrade to the double. Anyone need a single Chariot?!)

Francie playing with the neighbors, still a little outta sorts

Dad getting his girls settled in the Chariot for a walk while the neighbors (over to watch the action as he installed the "infant sling") file home

"Hummm... what is this thing sharing my space?"

Maisie in her little sling-seat (probably not recommended for a 4 day old baby?) We were careful and walked slowly :)

Ahhh... finally Heff has his drinking buddy back! You were worth the wait Maisie :)