Clara, Family & Food

... that's what this week has been all about! Wednesday night we took Indian food into the hospital for dinner with Mark, Sarah, Oma, Opa, Heff and I and Sarah's brother Jacob. Clara is SO cute and we are so happy for Mark and Sarah and their new little family. We've had a busy week entertaining family and have some cute pictures to post next from the weekend with all the Heffernans- Francie and Isabel are in cousin love :)

Heff and his brother Mark with Baby Clara

Mark being silly trying on the nursing shawl we gave to Sarah

Thursday night we had dinner over at Mark, Sarah and Clara's house! It was their first night home from the hospital and Oma made a yummy dinner at our house to take over to them.

Francie was kinda shy :)

and wanted to make sure Jannie remembered SHE was a tiny baby too!

and she had to wrap up her own baby doll too

It will be interesting to see how she reacts to her real new baby brother or sister!

Taking care of her baby

Sleeping Clara Marie

The Johnets came for dinner too (long walk across the street:)

Francie "helping" Dad do the dishes

Oma with the baby and Opa in the background~ their 5th baby girl grandchild... only one boy so far

This neat little cradle has been in Sarah's family for 35 years and her uncle just added the chickens in the woodwork!

Jannie and Oma helping put the booties back on

Francie's kisses for her Jannie ;)