
Francie came to a doctor's appointment with us once and still talks about the baby's "heart-a-beat." She has an old stethoscope in her dress-up box (oh my old MCAT days) and has been trying to hear HER baby's heart-a-beat. She says my baby is a "gurl"... I'm still on the fence, some days I think boy, some days I think girl. Heff thinks it is a girl and says he wants five girls :) We'll see about that!! I am hoping for a baby in early April (I like the single digit dates 4-2-9 or 4-8-9 or something) but my birthday is April 5 so maybe not that day. I don't have much control at this point, I know :) My doctor will let me go 8 days past my due date and if I don't go into labor he scheduled a c-section on April 17 at 9am so hopefully one way or another we'll have a baby by then!

The Little Doctor

Ollie's turn!

and watching YouTubes with Dad...
it's a toss up between elk hunting videos and "The Life of Fancy Francie" :)