Wishes for Heaven

I am so proud of my cousin Emmy and how well she is handling the very difficult death of her mother. Emmy is finding beautiful ways to cope and remember her mom through photography and remembrances. I found the quote on the picture above in a book I randomly bought at the library and opened up to today... Emmy made it into something special. She took these photos today at the beach with three of the girls she babysits for and their mom, she is very close to all of them and they have helped her so much through this time as well. Alexis, the cute girls in these photo's mom, made the quilt Kaky slept under at home (the background for the "hand photos") and then was sweet enough to make one for me, my mom, Emmy and my Aunt Mimi. Today they tied notes on the balloons and sent them up to heaven. What beautiful photos Emmy...

Sweet girls

Emmy's hand with her mom's gold anniversary bracelets, a family tradition

We miss you Kaky