Night at the St. Francis

December 23 we met everybody at the St Francis hotel on Union Square in SF for our annual overnight with my moms siblings and all the cousins. We really missed Kaky this year- last year at this same dinner/overnight was the last night she was so much herself- laughing and taosting and asking us all what was new in our life. The next day she fell and ended up in the hospital- none of us would have guessed her lively, beautiful spirit that night last year would be gone three short months later. We miss you Kaky but we know you were there watching over us all!

ABA and Maisie- we wish ABA lived here! It's so much fun when she is home, but we know she loves Nashville and Pat (who is from Nashville) so we'll just settle for visits home and hopefully a visit out to Nashville sometime soon. Pat came to SF this year to celebrate Christmas with us too!

The Heff's ready to head out for drinks and dinner with the crowd

getting crowded

Uncle Jerry hosted us all in his room for cocktail hour

Uncle Jerry's bar- complete with champagne bottles chilling in the garbage and recycle bins


Jannie didn't get the memo it was supposed to be a cousin-generation only picture :)

Ella and Francie

funny face

The College Age Cousins (minus Johners) Emmy~ SJSU, Connor- got in early to Georgetown and BC! and Claire~ soph at Boston College

The OUT-laws!

James, Ann and Em

Francie, Claire and Connor

more cousin love

Connor, John, Baby Ann and Allison

Then we all walk a few blocks for dinner at Sam's... table for 25

piled in the big booth

Ann and Awoo

Claire and Emmy

Maisie chewed on broccoli all night and got passed around

James and Em

godparents (who take their role very seriously :)

Johnners with Maisie


bundled up walking back

Em and Maisie

Girls shopping at Macy's after dinner- open til midnight!

Connor with the girls

and throw Drew in there