Christmas in The City

December 22 we packed up to head to San Francisco to indulge a little in our little family tradition (followed by our BIG extended family tradition the second night). Heff and I have been going for a pre-christmas overnight at the Ritz-Carlton since we first met. We stay in, eat, drink and relax. Used to be a tad more relaxing playing scrabble and drinking champagne as newly engaged couple- but the girls make it fun and we even got them both down in time to watch a MOVIE (Heff and I have seen 2 other movies together in 4+ years... Juno, Knocked Up and this time The Hangover- hilar :) It was a fun night in the city!

despite Maisie being mauled by her sister :)

fun in a box- somehow we got upgraded to a suite and Francie was thrilled with her own "bed" (ok, it was a couch but don't tell her) AND her own bathroom! Perfect for our half-hearted attempt at potty training the last month or so (see diaper below) She is good at home but I'm a little too lazy to venture out and have to rush to find bathrooms just yet.

We took the girls swimming and hot tubbing in the basement (well- Dad swam, I hot tubbed)

Maisie is always watching her big sister

one of many sets of matching Christmas PJ's... gotta get the wears in now!

Daddy and Maisie snacking

Mom and the girls

"warm chocolate" and marshmallows for Francie

running BACK to the pool (tires them out for a good long nap :)

"Stop Mom! I have some pride unlike my sister!"

Heading out for some Christmas shopping!

and off to the next spot in our 10 days of Christmas craziness...