Merry Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve is the big night in our family to celebrate Christmas with aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings. We went to the 4:00pm children's mass at Nativity with a cute little pageant then picked up our presents at home and headed to Jannie and Grampa's house for cracked crab dinner, swaps and lots of Christmas merriment.

Faces of Family... say it all this year :)

Francie did a few "shows" for whoever would listen

the "kids" ran upstairs to hide when Santa came after dinner while he left the presents

Maisie's face gives away her feelings about getting carseat for Christmas

Jannie pulled through and gave her an Elmo too

We had three swaps this year- Go Green for adults, Board Games for kids and Kaky's Favorite were the themes this year

Emmy brought back James's swap entry for "memorable" from a few years ago- Mary's 5th grade birthday party, still made fun of to this day... The Frontier Pioneer Party in a Box!

thanks guys

For "Go Green" Mimi picked dry-fit underwear you can wear for two weeks straight :)

and my Dad got a carbon credit... "what the hell is this bull***t?"

Kaky's Favorite gifts from everyone who loved her to each other