James & Em are.... ENGAGED!!

YAY!!! I am so happy for my brother and Emily. If you didn't guess already by my not-so-sly suspenseful posts... James surprised Em at her birthday brunch to propose to her! James told me a few weeks ago he was planning this. He had the ring made and was trying to figure out exactly how to pull off a surprise birthday proposal- it was pretty cute :) He asked Em's dad, my Dad, Heff, my brother Jerry and their good friend Bammer to come up for it too. James and I were texting all morning- keeping the secret was killing me (and Marla and my mom who knew too!) But James did a great job pulling off a very "James&Em" engagement...

The spectators

James with nervous hands maybe? ;)

and they head outside...

and I think these speak for themselves...

everybody watching (and screaming!) from inside

Step back James, here come the girls!

Congratulations hugs for her Godfather

future father-in-law

Father of the bride-to-be

Marla checks out the ring (she helped James design it at Hirzel's in Menlo Park!)

It's gorgeous! Good job James

so excited