Happy Birthday Em ~ Part I

Sunday morning we celebrated Auntie Em's 27th birthday at Rosewood with a Ladies Brunch- hats required! Emily planned a great day for the girls to help celebrate her birthday and friends flew in for the weekend to join in the festivities. Maisie tagged along in her party dress (thanks Sarah Coogan!) and her hat too! It was a fun morning and a surprise was in store.....

The table looked pretty

Em and Maisie Moo (who wore her fancy 'head dress' too!)

some of the ladies

Em's sister Marla and Mom

Em and I with my flowery head piece I borrowed from Christian's Kentucky Derby wardrobe stash!

out on the patio- it was 75 degrees this weekend for some reason

Jannie and Em

Em surrounded by her friends (a bunch flew up from southern california- what nice friends :)

Jan and Mare (looking awky attempting to pose in heels/with the Paris arm ;)


Crawling (fully on all fours now!)

With the birthday girl

Awww. Jannie got some rare Maisie time and rocked her right to sleep

Jackson game with birthday balloons!

and then my brother James, Joe, My Dad, Heff & Francie joined the party....

and stay tuned for PART 2 ~ The big surprise!! Can you guess? ;)