Farm Girls

I caught up on the craziness of Halloween weekend and found more pictures from Red Bluff. Here are a few more scenes from the day after Opa's party... the calm before the storm when a flu bug hit 22 of 40 people that were there on Sunday!!! Isabel started throwing up Sunday night and by Monday people were dropping like flies... we narrowly escaped somehow!

Taking turns reading the girls their books

Going for a bucket ride with Oma!

Heff drove them around

Andrea and Thomas

they call him Tomcsi (Hungarian for Tom-chi)

Pony ride time

Double Trouble

Snuggling with their Oma

Madeline got to stay over (on a SCHOOL NIGHT!) for a sleepover! We love her :)

as do all of the little girls

funny faces

Baby face

Isabel loves her zumi

Happy Birthday Opa

Monday morning Ellie took the girls on a nature walk

collecting acorns

on the move

Fun cousins

Playing with Paco the new Miniature donkey

Hugs for Paco (who apparently says "Hee-haw! I want my MAW!" when Nugget leaves!)

"WHy do they all like the dirt so much? Way cleaner up here."

Nice donkey

Kate attempting to hypnotize the donkey

and got a big sloppy kiss instead!

she still loves him

Nugget is back from school and can drive Oma's cart now!

Francie thought that was pretty cool

Tag team on Nugget (Francie not so happy about this, Maisie loves it)

until the next visit to The Bluff!