Halloween 09

Francie was SO excited to be Minnie Mouse for Halloween- she borrowed Emma's old costume which made it even more awesome (for her and for me) Maisie was the Itsy Bitsy Spider and I was her web :) We hit downtown Menlo Park during the day for the town parade and festival at the park then walked around downtown through their naps in the stroller before heading home to get ready for the Courson's Halloween party in West Menlo, back to the Willows to Trick-or-treat and then hosting a little afterparty at our house!

Minnie ("I'm not Francie anymore") in he carseat heading to the parade

We met the crowd on Santa Cruz Ave and missed the procession from the park- cheaters ;)

Downtown in front of Le Cirque

Stopping in after the festival in the park (forgot to take pics) to visit Christian

Maisie with a rose-studded headband she borrowed from Summer


Itsy Bitsy

Sleeping Beauty? Oh no, Minnie Mouse ;)

Crazy clown giving out candy!

Home... quick change.... and who did my husband turn into??


We took his old black work boots to the cobbler where they added 6 inches and shined um up!!

A little green facepaint, oversized jacket from Goodwill with hockey pads underneath and the neck bolts Heff put together right before the party with Francie's old headband, paint, bolts and zip ties.

Heff and Steve (guess who he borrowed the Laderhosen from last weekend?!)

Minnie found the bounce house

Heff with the host- Mike Courson

Francie has never really eaten a PB&J before until Amy had them cut into dinosaur shapes- Francie ate two. Brilliant idea Amy!

Max the fireman and Minnie raiding the juice box stash

The Heffs- Maisie was not a fan of Dad in scary face paint! She wouldn't let him change her diaper at home and is looking up at him like he's crazy here

Back home in her snuggly hat to trick-or-treat

We set out with Ben and Alexa- Curious George and The Man in the Yellow Hat

Francie's first trick-or-treat house experience :) at the Ewers

Amazing pumpkin!

Next house- full size candy bars on a silver platter! The legend of the street I had to see to believe

We made it almost to the end of the street and then caught up with Emma and her big-girl friends... that was all we needed to be lured home

party time