The Heffernan Family

We had a Heffernan Family photoshoot by the barn on Sunday now that all five Heffernan kids are married off :) Set aside a few wisecracks and inappropriate gestures we got some good ones...

Me and my Maisie Moo!

Getting set up...

Say Cheese!

and with the kids in front

A great picture of Tom and Claire AKA Opa and Oma

and their offspring in birth order...

The Brian Heffernans~ Brian, Mary, MaryFrances & MaryMarjorie

Mark, Sarah & Clara Marie Heffernan

The Matthews Family ~ Maureen, Doug, Ellie, Kate & Patrick

Just the kids- Ellie, Kate and Patrick

Craig, Andrea, Isabel and Thomas Heffernan

Kat & Donald Doverspike- the newlyweds

A jokster with my camera (Doanld)

No pictures while nursing!

Only a few screamers for Oma and Opa... 8 babies under 7!

Heff loves his baby girls

and I love this face!

Tom and his silly sons

Namesakes... Tom, Craig and Baby Thomas

The two peas in a pod (can you guess?)

yup....Izzy and Francie

and out little family next to my horses (Ollie didn't make the cut)