Beth & Chris' Wedding

Saturday we had breakfast over at my parents house with Pat's family and then packed up the car to head to a winery in Livermore for my cousin Beth Brady's wedding. Heff had gone up to Red Bluff for the night to hunt out on Edward's Ranch so he drove back down to meet me at the wedding. It took me forever to pack for the wedding, the girls to play with a babysitter (our friends in Livermore- thanks Kelly, Shannon and Joy!) and for Red Bluff but I finally managed to get us there almost on time. I had the girls settled in at the Spiller's house and was ready to head out the door when we had a little problem with my dress... so Kelly ransacked her closet for me and found a cute dress that happened to be an "Ann-me-down" from my sister! It was a really beautiful wedding- we were all honored to be included!

Mimi, Uncle Jerry, Great Aunt Marge, Aunt Kim and Uncle John

Silly Jannie

Jerry and Allison

Jannie and I with Aunt Marge, Molly and Megan (We are second cousins with the Brady girls- Aunt Marge, their grandmother, was my grandma's sister)

"The Simo Siblings and Significant Others Table" pretty rare to have all 8 of us there

The Bride and Groom!

Baby Ann and Pat

The Arnerich siblings

with out-laws

James and Em

Singing "You Be Good To Beth- On Her Beautiful Wedding Day"- an Arnerich/Sheehy family tradition at weddings :)

And Chris knows his line "I'll be good to Beth- but she better be good to me!"

My sis
the girls
more random shots with no flash ;)

Ann and Em

Date night without kiddies!!

Everything looked so pretty

A crowd outside after cake

I loved Beth's dress!

The single girls ready for the bouquet toss

Emily caught it! By throwing elbows and diving on the dance floor....

and that garter sailed straight into my brother's hands ;)

Aunt Marge loved it :)

My cousins- the always beautiful Brady girls: Megan, Molly, Beth and Kelsey (Molly is due with number two in 5 weeks!)

What a fun wedding! Congrats Beth and Chris!

We headed out around 10pm to pick up our girls at the Spillers and found this adorableness :) Francie was attached at the hip to Kelly's little sister Shannon. They watched Mickey.

Thanks Shannon :)

and Thanks Kelly!!!!