More From Red Bluff

More pictures from a fun family weekend in Red Bluff- a somewhat rare event to have EVERY person there! I took a ton of pictures of course :) I realized there are way more pictures of Maisie since Francie is always running around somewhere with her cousins or playing by the barn- and Maisie is such a smily, willing participant! I think I have more pictures on my camera too so there might be an "Even More" post coming next... for now, here's what we did in Red Bluff!

Francie and Isabel played in the dirt for hours in their PJ's the first morning we got there

Silly Izza-Bizza

matching CROCS (I said Uggs, and was corrected by many :)

just hanging out

Dualing burritos after showers

And a weekend with Izza wouldn't be complete without a matching outfit

Someone wanted "the bigga pumpkin"

"What was her problem?"

Aunt Kat and Donald starting the day off right with a Bloody Mary

Building with the "Emily Blocks" (magnatiles are the best toy ever invented if anyone needs a gift for 2-31 year olds!)

and after the Heffernan Family Photo Shoot, the girls played in the barn bucket wagon for awhile...

and rolled over to say hi to the horses

looking up

Francie says "Ahh he's too close to me mom!" as Maisie wonders why I would let a six month old sit in a manure bucket, next to her two year old sister while a horse breathes in her face?

It's a nailbiter

What's down there?

Back to being brave

Blowing Raspberries

Two-year old stink eye

"Mom this horse is in my face again"

Because that's clean for teething on

She loves the horses like her big sis does

"OMG he's breathing on me"

and Daddy surprised everyone with Laderhosen for the german-themed birthday party Sunday afternoon

He makes a cute German :)

I might have worn them too... at least for an hour or so until I needed to sit down. I had to just for you Shigos! (these were Jannie's when she was 20 years old and a little- or a lot- too tiny!!)

Let the party begin! Madeline with Maisie Moo

cute happy girls

time for cake!

The birthday boy- Tom loved having all of his family and so many friends there to celebrate with him. It was a special day, thanks for planning it all Oma!

Sunporch chatter

the new outdoor lower patio and furniture- a great place to watch the kids play on the hill or at the barn while relaxing with a cold beer :)

The Flynn girls with Maisie!

Madeline took some pictures with my camera (she is quite the pro) I love how you can see Maisie's hair coming in with the sunlight here

Izzo's Eyes

A rear-end shot of Paco the new miniature donkey which Madeline titled "An Asses Ass!"... but I hope I don't get you in trouble for that one Mad :)

My big pain in the rear Sancho Panza- he's been a little stinker for Oma, Cathleen and Margaret! First a 10 inch gash to his neck and now some issue with his front leg. Thanks for the TLC for Santi girls and sorry he's so high maintenance lately!

caught a funny face

Masisie's party trick.. "Arms Up"

and smash um down!

kids entertaining themselves

just digging in the dirt

Ronan hiding out

It's all fun and games until somebody breaks your mud pie (humm I wonder who the culprit was?)

"my turn!"

Ellie experimenting

looking up to her cousins

down and dirty

and the dirt party just digressed- Ellie unearthed what looked like a dead animal! But it was just a carpet :)

and Kate and Isabel covered each other in dirt

then started a dirt SLIDE

Andrea tried for a naked baby and daddy photoshoot but Thomas was not so happy about the no clothes thing around his big cousins

Francie was following Madeline around all day

CUTE baby Clara

and one of the best parts of our weekend... Craig and Andrea asked Brian and I to be Thomas Hansanyi Heffernan's godparents!!! We are honored and promise to spoil him appropriately :)

what a fun weekend- thanks for hosting 20 people in the house Claire and Tom!