Emmy's Game

Friday night we all went to Spartan Stadium to watch San Jose State beat Idaho! It was Emmy's second to last home game of her college career and the Spartans are on a 13 game "no loss" streak (only a couple tie games) Go Emmy!

Emmy fans- ABA, Maisie and Christian

Pat holding Maisie Moo

Cousin Luke with Maisie and Mom

The Williams Family~ thanks for coming out to the game!

Francie down by the field to congratulate the girls on their WIN

Deer in the flash-I-mean-headlights

Francie got to go down on the field with Emmy- she was soo excited

Lucky Little Girl

She sure loves Emmy

Emmy let Kaky's balloon go after the game- we all miss her there

Then AFTER the game was the running-out-of-gas disaster... I knew I needed gas earlier in the day and planned to get it on the way to the game (since I usually don't leave my 2 mile Menlo radius- a low fuel warning gives me a good week UNLESS I leave my bubble to drive to San Jose!) It just escaped my mind trying to get to the game on time with both girls (Heff was hunting overnight in Red Bluff) so I am on 280 at 10:30pm in Los Altos Hills (no where near gas stations) when the gas pedal just gives out (sinking, yet familiar feeling;) Luckily Christian was with me... OnStar and AAA came to the rescue after 45 minutes. We finally got to Rosewood where Pat's family was staying after 11pm! This was the only picture I took of Anna and Pat double-teaming Maisie to rock/pat her to sleep :)

oh wait, I took these pictures too but ABA was not in the mood...