Saturday with Friends

Saturday we brought the bounce house out of hibernation and the neighbors came out of the woodwork! I love living in our "dorm" where there is always something going on or someone to play with on the street. Francie and I walked over to invite Alexa (3) to bounce and then Zach (3) and his parents who were walking to the park came over, Alexa's parents Ben & Sanrda came with beers (O'Douls for Sandra due in 3 weeks!) and then Emma & Owen couldn't get in the bounce house fast enough when hey got home with their parents Miles & Chrissie. We all threw the kids around and enjoyed the warm weather while Heff cleaned ducks in the driveway :)

Francie cracking up with Emma

Alexa ready to be a big sister with her big girl haircut

Zach with his Dad Brandon and Mom Angie due in 2 weeks. There are going to be babies everywhere!

Francie was worried about Ollie who we locked inside for the bouncers

Emma and Owie! Crashing down the slide and happy happy kids :)

Alexa got to spin upside-down with her dad while her mom was on a quick beer run :) (sorry to sell you out Ben ;)

Zach's turn... look how high he goes! Only one near miss on the "catch" ;)

Dad working hard to clean those ducks up to his "MIL's" standards!

Francie found Owen's boots on the sidelines :)

When the bounce house party died down we had Chad, Lindsey and Isaac over for dinner (another pregnant mom due next month. It was an expectant moms club at our house Saturday :)

Isaac didn't feel so hot but he was a trooper!

Dad and Francie (in her "fav" COW pj's, thanks Aunt Kat!) saying bye-bye to Isaac at the end of the night. Thanks for coming over Hutchinsons!