Family Sunday

I love that little face! Sunday we finally knocked off the "mall trip" on our to do list for a bookshelf at Pottery Barn we realized we needed when we moved things around for our Christmas tree. Stanford Shopping Center is not my husband's favorite place to spend much time but he sucked it up and we hit the mall Sunday around lunchtime. Francie brought her "wallet" with some pennies to throw in the frog fountain and we made a pretty painless, quick trip of it.

Francie at the fountain

She came prepared for throwing wishes

More pennies from Dad (he said "no silver stuff France... we're in a recession.":)

She loves her PINK boots from Jen!!

I ran into Bloomie's for a Bobbi Brown staple I was out of (which doesn't count in our "no buying anything for 3 months"... it's a necessity and a consumable! and PS we had a gift card for the PB purchase so haven't broken the rules yet ;) So I come around the corner to meet Heff and Francie in the PB loading zone and see:

Looking around until she sees mom...

What a lucky mom I am :)

Home unpacking the bookshelf... no better toy than a cardboard "Not-A-Box!"

Then on Sunday afternoon Claire and Kat came down for a little wedding dress shopping! Kat's wedding is planned for July 18 in Red Bluff and we could not be more excited for her and Donald. Six months to plan (same time frame as Heff and I) means dress must be ordered soon! Of course I can't show pictures of the beautiful-bride-to-be Aunt Kat in a wedding dress but here are a few of her mini-me Francie twirling on the mirrored playtforms.

Oma and Aunt Sarah checking out the options (Jannie was happy to be included too.. she was too busy chasing Francie in and out of dresses to snap a picture)

and Francie had to try on veils too...

Sunday night we had a big family dinner at our house (duck. duh. ;) with Oma, Aunt Kat, Uncle Mark & Aunt Sarah, Uncle James & Auntie Em, Jannie & Grampa. It's always fun to have parents and siblings from both sides of our families together for a mellow evening. Francie is SO spoiled with all those relatives and she sure knows how to work the crowd. "Oma, Oma SEET!" was uttered about a hundred times in two days and she had everyone reading to her, playing with her dolls, dressing up and counting while she hides. Lucky little Doo. It was a fun dinner with everyone and the duck tasted great, Francie gobbled it up.

Even if you were grossed out by my offensive dead duck pictures you have to admit they look yummy all "dressed up" for dinner!

Uncle James and Auntie Em. Francie has been a little hesitant to jump into her god-fathers arms but she was all over "Ja-mes" Sunday night!

Playing dress up with Aunt Sarah

Cornering Grampa to play in her room and put the socks and shoes she picked out on. I think she was just sucking up to "Shoes-should-only-be-taken-off-for-bed-and-bathing-Grampa" :)

Auntie Em reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear

A busy dinner table with Simos and Heffs! Thanks for coming over aunts, uncles and grandparents :)