Quack, Quack... BANG, BANG!

... and that's double-fisting! As promised, more offensive duck pictures :) Saturday morning (if you can even call 3:30AM morning!?) Heff left his girls sleeping to meet his friend Gus in Los Banos at his duck club. It was the first time he has been out this season and had a great hunt in the blinds shooting limits and bringing home a load of ducks. Francie and I hung around at home in our "juicy's" (BTW she asked to put her doll in "juicys" when we got home tonight, I am pathetic!) waiting for Dad to get home at lunch time. She kept asking where Dad was so I showed her some duck hunting videos on YouTube... that's normal right? So when she saw Dad's truck in the driveway she ran outside saying "BANG BANG!" and "EAT DEM!" (sorry PETA) We played with the ducks for awhile before Daddy got a few beers and started plucking. We saved them for Sunday night for a big duck dinner with Claire and Aunt Kat down from Red Bluff, Mark & Sarah, Jannie & Grampa, and James & Em. They were DELICIOUS!

Heff at the duck blind... not a bad picture from his new google phone ;)

When Dad got home Francie wanted to "pet" the duckies...

and "hod" the duckies...

and "kiss" the duckies. (ok, even I put my camera down to stop her from kissing the duck... more than once;)

Owen came over to see what all the commotion was about. Luckily he already had his favorite Red Bluff cowboy boots on.

Awwwww.... (or Ewwwwww?)

I just love this picture of my daughter :)

Trying to lift 14 dead ducks with 15 month old arms

Good hunter-gatherer skills Heff!

Mom got a turn too... I didn't partake in the cleaning this year though, blame the pregnancy ;)

She's so proud of her Daddy :)