Springtime in January

Wednesday was another unseasonably warm day around here, I kinda want the rainy weather back but decided to enjoy it while it lasts and put Francie in a sundress she never wore and won't fit into next year (my addiction is unstoppable... well maybe 'pause-able' only during our annual three month hold on buying anything new, I've made it 16 days so far!) We had lunch at Cafe Baronne's with Jannie and our good friend Joanie Huck who lives in Coronado. After lunch we went to say hi to Dad at the office and Francie played with Jannie for the afternoon getting whatever she wanted whenever she wanted :)

Ready for lunch in my dress, tights and sparkly pink Suri shoes! (she is seriously in love with these shoes and makes sure everyone she sees notices them... "shoes!?")

Someday soon I'll get ONE picture of Francie looking at the camera without the fierce eyebrows and cranky face! I still have hope.

What is hiding under there?..... I love ruffle-bum tights :)

Looking through the crack in the gate for Jannie's car to arrive

"Want me to get the mail mom?"

"No problem."

Then last night we all went to a dinner at Nola's in Palo Alto to kick off the 23andMe "Mom Bloggers" event. My husband was a very good sport in a room full of women (bloggers from across the country) talking about blogging, genetics and pregnancy. But luckily there was another husband in the room he sat next to for a little reprieve. Francie enjoyed her cajun dinner and only tried to escape Dad's arms a few times. It was a fun night out with an interesting group of people...

Daddy and Francie-doo

Mare and Anne

"Don't worry Mom, I checked with the Consumer Product Safety Commission... these beads are organic, lead-and-melamine-free." ;)

Hiding from Mom and the un-happy little baby girl next to her

All worn out snuggling on the couch with Dad

"I heard that click!"