Francie's End of the Week Activities

Thursday Francie had her second gymnastics class and couldn't get enough of it. Jannie came too and got to play under the parachute and hold Francie's hand on the balance beams and the bouncy trampolines!

We went to lunch at Stacks with Estelle & Icie after gymnastics...

and covered ourselves in strawberry jelly.

Then Francie went over to Jannie's to play for awhile while Kelly was visiting for the day. She got a bath in Jannie's big bathtub and a new outfit of course and Jannie, Francie and Kelly made a post-season Gingerbread House :)

Jannie had her dressed in a new "U of A" cheerleading outfit she ordered online. It didn't come in time for the Stanford/Arizona game but it should fit her for awhile... right now the bare-naked tummy look is still covered ;)

Francie was cranky when we got home and wanted to go back to "Ja-Ja's"

Meltdown mode... I'm still snapping pictures.

All better now that Daddy made her some "Milk-sauce"

Giant feet lounging with her milk cup

Tired baby girl with Mom

BUSTED. Mom cringing from an onslaught of slobber kisses ;)

Heff found a late Christmas present in the mail Thursday night he was pretty excited about... Really Mike? "Huntin' Fool?" Who writes this stuff?


Then on Friday we had a breakthrough... Francie decided she would start smiling for my camera again!

She thought it was hilarious to play in our rocks and throw them at Ollie. I was laughing at her giggling and didn't notice the dog tore out a hedge in the process! oops.

Yes, she has a pink shoe and a brown shoe on. She insisted. (I overruled to leave the house since they were completely different sizes and she kept tripping)

After we lounged around the house all morning we picked Jannie up for lunch and ran into Francie's friend Jasmine and her mom Parvin at Plutos! After lunch Francie went over to Jannie's for another playdate while I had to go to the lab at Stanford for the infamous glucose screening test (drink orange sugar Jolt and sit for an hour until they take blood... fun fun) Francie and Jannie were busy as usual...

They made adorable mini-cookies for a tea party with "Pattie"!

There's not much better than an afternoon Milk-and-warm-cookies snack

Jannie taught her to drink from a big girl cup

Jannie and I even had tea in the little Peter Rabbit mugs Jannie dug up somewhere

That's a happy Francie

I'm even getting "Cheese!" for the camera!

I think the bribe of "I'll show you San-cie's picture on the screen after you smile!!" is working :)

In her ABA's dress... short enough to climb on everything without tripping but won't fit for long!