A Day of Playdates

Tuesday we had a full day of playdates :) Francie and I went over to Rose and Lena's house for lunch and lots of playtime with all of Rose's fun toys, it was such a nice day out, we played outside and enjoyed the sun too. Then since we were in the neighborhood we went over to Jannie's house to play with Sophie and find a new outfit for "Pattie" (Francie's favorite cabbage patch doll) from Jannie's attic stash of doll clothes. Then we made our way to Hoover Park in Palo Alto for our Tuesday playgroup... I was worn out by the time we got home at 5:30! Heff made us dinner and we had to wake up my equally tired little girl from her late nap to eat and play with Dad before crashing for the night.

The Doo ready to PLAY all day

"Mom did you know some highchairs have trays on them!"

Francie and Rose were good buddies sharing with each other

Francie worn out already from running around on the lawn

"pats" for her friend :)

Lena and cute Rose

Off to the park...

It's hard for these girls to continue their gossip on the playground when they have bananas and thumbs to distract them

Francie and Jasmine hold their own as the only girls of the day

Francie found a chicken helmet just like hers.

Very ambitious...

Smart girl stuck to the first rope to bounce :)

ISAAC! ready to be a big brother next month!

Rachel and Elijah in the sandbox


When we got home and comfy in our PJ's Francie wanted to play hide-and-seek with dad... it actually wasn't easy to find her in this little hiding spot she found in her closet!!

"What took you so long Dad?"

Pattie and Sophie (the stuffed animal dog is also named Sophie) now like to hide here too. Francie knows a good spot when she sees one!