Mad, Mad Francie-Mad

Monday night after dinner Heff and I decided to go on a little walk around the neighborhood... we were all in the office most of the day and wanted a little fresh air and we ate way too much of Heff's fresh pasta for dinner! We bundled Francie up, even though it really wasn't all that cold out and Heff put her safety first headlamp on. She was happy as a clam until I started flashing right back at her with the camera. I'm hoping this phase passes but understand I have created this situation with my little project on the left-hand sidebar of this blog ;)

"Aw give me a break mom..."

(this is my secret camera-on-my-lap attempt to at least get her face in the shot...)

"Grrrr.... I'm REALLY mad now Mom."

"Maybe if I fake cry it will get you to stop?"

Diving into her stroller for a reprive

"YESSS! I got her to stop!" (a dark pic without the flash so she wouldn't notice... but this is her new favorite place to play when we are home, she pulls the book baskets out to climb up and plays ON the table or yells "BYEEEEE DAAAAAD!" in the mornings. And yes our Christmas lights are still up.)