Babies at The Sportsmans Expo

Francie and her dad had a date Sunday with Kevin and Baby Ryan to hit the Hunting and Fishing extravaganza at the Expo center in San Mateo. Francie couldn't wipe that cute smile off her face when she got to "hold" Baby Ryan-the-Lion on the couch... she was giving him kisses and patting his little tummy, he is so cute! The guys did a good job taking two little ones to the Expo center and lasting 4 hours. When they got home Francie told me all about the hunting doggies who jumped in the above ground pool and Baby "Ry-a" and when I asked her who else whet she shouted "KEV!" I asked Heff why he thought she was yelling Kevin's name?? He figured it was because Francie would run in every direction at the Expo so he was always yelling to Kevin to tell him where he was :) She keeps us laughing lately!

Kisses for Ryan-the-Lion

She was so excited to see another baby

Heff and "Kev!" with their babies off on their adventure