Dirty Baby

After Auntie Baby Ann made fun of Francie's "Bright Future" PJ's on Thursday morning and told Francie she won't let her mom dress her like a dirty baby when she comes home... Francie went and got herself (in her cute non "walmart baby" outfit!) ALL DIRTY! She was playing in the garden and somehow got dirt all over her face, hair and clothes.

At least she had fun doing it!

Since she was already dirty she fed her chickens their dinner

And then we got naked for a bath!

That's a happy baby in the bathtub :)

"Aw Mom... not more naked pictures of me on the internet!"

"At least fix my hair... come on, please?"

"Oh well my Dad won't let her put these on that blog!"

"Ollie, I'll bribe you with some tasty soapy water if you shake all over her camera..."

I love my little Doo!