Rough Night for Francie (Mom & Dad too)

I couldn't resist posting this picture AGAIN! Silly little Francie :) So last weekend I cut Francie off from nursing and it's been an interesting week going "cold turkey." She did pretty well, but Thursday night she had trouble falling asleep then woke up screaming at 1:00am in the morning and was breathing funny, taking only deep/sighing breaths. After an hour of that we called Dr. Cisco and of course as soon as we start talking to him (and wake him up in the middle of the night!) He said to watch her for an hour and call him back if she was still uncomfortable in an hour. Francie seemed to be doing okay so we all went back to sleep. She woke up again at 5:00am but was just uncomfortable and breathing fine so we put her back to bed again and tried to get a little sleep. At 7:15am we were all still sleeping when we heard a knock at the door... Heff got up to find Dr. Cisco at our front door! He was heading out of town for the weekend and just wanted to check on Francie before her left... what a pediatrician huh!? So we all went in to her nursery and she woke up slowly with a funny look on her face when she saw Dr. Cisco standing over her crib :) He checked her out and she seemed ok, probably just getting used to no more "ba-ba's" but I was glad he looked at her so we could head up to Red Bluff without worrying about our little Doo! (She had a rough night again Friday in Red Bluff, but seems to have settled back down and is sleeping just fine again)