I Heart My Crocs

"I've seen the Facebook group "I Don't Care How Comfortable They Are... Crocs Are Still Ugly" and I don't know why so many people join... these things are awesome! I LOVE MY CROCS Uncle James! I mean... maybe they should rename that group "So Easy To Put On Even a One Year Old Can Do It?"

"UH-OH! Got one on... working on the other"

"They even taste good, I only need one shoe on right?"

(The teeth did not want to let go... but at least it makes it easier to climb the stairs.)

And she's off...

"People REALLY think these shoes are ugly?"

"Look Mom... driving shoes!"

"Thanks Uncle James... I am soo excited I finally fit into my green crocs you gave me when I was a tiny baby!"

"Catch you on the flip side."


PS... My ABA (Auntie Baby Ann) sent me this email:

"I won't even comment on the crocs....but what is my niece wearing in those photos??!!! She looks like a walmart baby. -ABA"

I like my Old Navy PJ's ABA!