WHAT did you just say Mom?

We got some GREAT NEWS from the Heffernan clan this weekend... Not only is Francie going to have a baby brother or sister in the spring... there are also TWO MORE HEFFERNAN BABY COUSINS ON THE WAY!! Heff's brother Mark and his wife Sarah announced they are pregnant and due with their first baby March 26 and Heff's brother Craig and his wife Andrea announced they are also pregnant with her second baby and due April 20!!! We fall right in the middle, due April 9. We are sooo happy for everyone and can't wait for the Spring-time Baby Fest. Heff's sister Maureen is due with her third baby anyday now... It's a good thing Oma's new barn is almost done, there will be a house full of Heffernan babies in 2009!!

"Oh man this is going to be crazy!"

"You telling me this means I won't be the center of attention anymore?!"

"But look at me, I can stand on one foot! Attention right here please!"