Francie Tries the Potty

Don't worry, we ARE NOT trying to potty train her yet!! And forewarning, if you don't have kids and don't talk about "poop" in common conversation (Uncle James) you may want to just stop reading right now...... If you are still reading this is still probably "TMI" but Francie did go poop in the potty! :) She has had a bad diaper rash and it's caused her a little distress when she needs to go number two. Heff thought that if she could sit on the pot, it might help. I got her a "cushie tushie" and the other night she started doing her little "poop dance" (sorry for telling everybody Francie!) so dad scooped her up, pulled he diaper off and set her on the potty. She seemed very proud of herself sitting up there like a big girl and indeed she was successful :) I'm not going to start "elimination training" yet... diapers do their job. But I thought I would share Francie's first potty experience, since we share everything else on the blog! (and it's been a boring week... not too much material to work with here, sorry!) :)

"Really Mom, I hope you're joking with that camera in my face right now."

"I mean it. I've got business to take care of in here."

"Outta here MOM! And don't let the door hit you on the way out!"